I am at a disadvantage not knowing your carrier and or plan type. It is also none of my business, so I will answer how I have sent pictures in the past; from the picture view, click "ok", this should then bring up a menu for sending it to an e-mail address.This works best if you are not going to take dozens of pictures every month and do not want to send them to multiple people. (I am assuming you have Nextel or Sprint here) You pay a per transmission fee unless you have a specific plan that gives unlimited text/e-mail messaging. If you are a cell camera junkie (I admit, I am ;-)and think it is worth it, pay the $15 per month or so and then instead of sending an individual pic, you go into your main menu after you have taken all the pictures you are going to that day,filled your memory, etc. and then go to the thumbnail view and click "ok", it should bring a menu up that says "upload this" or "upload all". I upload all and then go to the cell carriers website, log in, label the pictures, and create a photo album that I can send to anyone.Good luck
2016-03-13 06:26:25 UTC
send a picture message to ure email address,with the pictures
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