How to convince my parents to let me get a new phone...?
2009-11-25 14:32:52 UTC
So me and my brother were talking today. He says he wants a cell phone for Christmas since he doesnt have one yet. He is in 6th grade. I have the LG Rumor and im in 8th grade. Mine is from Kajeet. My parents have separate plans because my dad has his with his business. And they both have it from sprint. So me and my brother want to convince my mom into getting a family plan. And then we would add our phones on to the plan. My brother would get a cell phone since he doesnt have one yet. My mom would get a new one since she wants one with a keyboard. I want a new phone. Since I have the first generation of the Rumor. But I got mine less than a year ago. Like 7 Months ago. So would I be able to move my Kajeet phone to sprint. Because if I cant my parents will let me get a new phone. If I can I have to keep my phone probably. But if I can what are some good ways to convince my parents into letting me get the exclaim or even the more recent Rumor so LG Rumor 2. Also how do I convince my parents into changing to a family plan. I already have one reason which is that it would be cheaper (and it would be im not making it up). So what are some ways to convince them?

Thanks an advance.
Four answers:
2009-11-25 14:39:27 UTC
well smash your old phone or accidentally lose it

then you'll need a new one for when you go out, to contact your parents

incase of emergencies etc etc.

and about the plan tell them its cheaper and maybe find out how much cheaper it would be

then tell them ... if we had a family plan we would be saving (example) 300$ a month, with that money we could (stuff your parents like) umm spend more time together or save up and buy a new car etc.
2009-11-25 14:42:23 UTC
First you are in the 8th grade. I hate to tell you but you are NOT entitled to a phone period. I am an adult who pays about 50-60 a month to have a cell phone and I dont text alot or download games or applications. I have a cousin who does and has the internet and his phone bills is over 250 a month for 1 person. also your phone is only 7 months old. If you drop your line they will charge you whats called an early termination fee, which can bee 175 dollars alone. There is alot of financial things in your way and i know you dont have a job cause ur in 8th grade....there is no way to convince them and im sure your parents are smarter than me and can come up with many reasons to tell you no.
2009-11-25 14:38:15 UTC
You will probably have to cancel your Kajeet phone plan which costs extra money. But if that is not true, then just talk to your parents about it like a grown up. Its the best way.

I got my first phone in 8th grade. that was ALONG time ago. I am currently 22. I plan on getting my kids cell phones when they are young. Sure they will have limited features, and be kid phones.. But still. I don't think there is anything wrong with getting kids in 6th and 8th grade phones.
Hellenic Storm
2009-11-25 14:37:09 UTC
your brothers in sixth grade, and your in eighth, my opinion? YOU DONT NEED ONE!!!!

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