I need a new cell on.?
2006-03-20 10:24:17 UTC
Ok. (I have a v265 cell phone and it is so not worth my money. What type of cell phone do you recommend. I am with Alltel service and loving it. It's just that my phone is no good. Everyone that I know of hates their v265 by Motorola. I've had some suggestions before the lg5000 and the nokia 6255. Someone out there help me to find a great phone.
Eleven answers:
2006-03-21 18:16:37 UTC
You have to decide which features are most important for you. Do you want a camera with flash, flip-phone, polyphonic ring-tones, Mp3 player, bluetooth wireless technology? Do you need to have multiple numbers per contact in your address book?

Check out for a good sample of what they have. Sometimes the coolest phones get the worse reception.
3 is a magic munber
2006-03-20 11:10:22 UTC
It depends on what you want to use it for but i would recommend a motorola v3i because look at it cool or what this is an updated version of the original v3!! But i would look on the internet decide what you would use it for and do a search. I would recommend carphoenwarehouse they offer really good service and a search feature on their website (provided) there is a wide range of phones on there. The mobile review website has a review for nearly every current phone.

Hope this helps!!!!
2016-10-15 08:47:00 UTC
No, college little ones might want to no longer be allowed to carry cell telephones as this would distract the interest of the coed and instructor contained in the category. extra the stronger featured cellular telephone might want to be misused for incorrect doings of co-workers.
2006-03-21 09:50:09 UTC
well i have a siemens s66. and i love it is a picter phone and i upgraded mine for free but i have cingular. and i love the servise i get. so i'd say see if you can up grade it to a phone you like if your on a plan. if not see if you can find a phone that you like that a friend had befor he/she upgradeed and adk if you can trade or buy that phone.
2006-03-20 10:32:00 UTC
I suggest you get the Kyocera Slider Remix KX5 for the price of 129.00, LGAX4270 for 29.99, LGAX5000 for 74.99.
The Chancellorâ„¢
2006-03-20 10:40:29 UTC
There a are a lot of good cell phones. Go to this link.;_ylt=A0LaSqeD9R5E4PEApQB5Rk4F;_ylu=X3oDMTBrbGRtcnJsBF9zAzk2MzM1NTk3BHNlYwNibmF2
2006-03-20 10:29:58 UTC
well you could look on the website and go on some sites where they rated stuff and look there too
2006-03-20 10:31:03 UTC
no idea

my friend has a v265

she seems rly happy with it. but, well, shes not exactly, i mean, she'd be happy with a paper one
halo master
2006-03-20 10:28:11 UTC
im good thx anyway thow
2006-03-20 10:30:20 UTC
well i could give u one i have a buch!!!
2006-03-20 16:36:19 UTC
it depends on you

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