First off... breathe.. its just facebook... not the EMS, police, fire dept, or 911... Im not trying to be mean... but you shouldnt scream at an agent who truly cannot resolve your issue... or demand they resolve their issue when they cannot..... its pointless and demeaning to them.... Again, Im not trying to be mean... im just telling you how it is....
You stated .... """""After a few months of regular normal use-all of a sudden I cannot access Facebook on my mobile browser. It comes up with a black box error message telling me
“HTTP Error 500: Internal Service Error"""""""""""
HTTP means is internet related..... Error 500 means its a SERVER issue...
******* not a Tmobile issue...
******* Not a RIM issue
******* NOT a BB issue....
Honestly, you went through warranty replacements for absolutely nooooooooooooooo reason....
a tmobile tech support agent with a PHD in wireless, computers, and nuclear physics cannot fix this issue.... here is why.....
if you can access every page on the BB except Facebook and all other data apps work great with no fuss...... then the issue is not with Tmobile or BB or RIM... logic dictates the issue is with the Facebook servers itself...
This happens with Samsung devices every 3-4 months too.. Samsung phones, doesnt matter the carrier or model of the samsung phone, ALL SAMSUNG phones will be unable to accesss facebook for 1-3 days.... or less..
Then, low n behold, it works again... wow.. its amazing! -_-
NOT!!!!! Its becuase the Facebook servers needs to update in regards to the cell phone software that is trying to access the info for the user (you). Sometimes, when you have 250 million users access you at 1 time... and with 40+ million of them being Samsungs... in your case BBs, you sometimes get confused.. this is called "caught in a loop"....
When Facebook Techs updates the servers protocols, the "loop" breaks down... and unfreezes... then the Samsungs/BBs can get the info... the user is once again happy...
I bet my inheritance that this is your issue...
Why do warranty replacements work after the current phone does not... 1) you had to wait for the wty replacement to get to you... by then the issue is resolved. If the issue was resolve and the current BB still doesnt access facebook, then did you clear out your cache/cookies? The wty replacement internals are blank... so its already cleared... hence it works on the replacement and not the current phone...
If I were you, I would "contact us" facebook... repeat what you just told me... and sit down for 1-3 days... and wait.... thats all you can do... grandma said "patience is a virtue"...
Then, call Tmobile and sincerely apologize to Customer Care and Tech Support for loosing your temper at them... It truly is not their fault... Moreover, if their like my company, they have no resolution for this since is not "network related"... its OEM (other equipment manufacturer) related...
Or, in my very personal opinion... drop the Blackberries and get a real smartphone... like Android... But, thats just me...
Look... Im not being mean... but on here, I can "tell poeple how it is"... Im not Tmobile.. heck no!... Far from it!!!!! My carrier/employer is ranked #1 in service... But I do deal with rude and malicious customers on a daily basis; customers who think that just because they pay the "carrier"... that the carrier MUST fix everything because its OUR fault its "broken".... and I have absolutely NO problem marking their account as "abusive" and calling my local PD if they refuse to leave my store front... because... they ARE freakin crazy from facebook withdrawl!!!
Yes, your frustrated... and angry because, of all things on the internet, Facebook aint working! I understand that... but that gives you absolutely NO RIGHT to scream at your carrier's agents... people who sit in a cubicle hundreds, if not thousands miles away, working for what little money they make... most people who call 611 have real billing and technical issues.. but your tieing up this 1 agent because you cant get on facebook.. omfg!
Look... if you have 1-6 bars, can make/receive calls, make/receive sms/mms texts and emails, IM, surf the internet... except 1 freakin website..... we'll send an OTA just in case and have you powercycle... then I say we did our job beyond 100% becuase its not the carrier's issue if you cant get on facebook mobile but everything else works!!! Contact the website and scream at them!
Good luck... and remember, patience is a virtue