In your case, you can call your service provider and ask them to block the number for you. It may ask you to install their version of call blocking on your phone.
- You have to make a list of all the incoming phone numbers you want to block.
- Activate the service. Specify the numbers you want to block.
- Your phone will no longer accept calls or text messages from these numbers.
You have to jailbreak your phone. You can use a program such as Redsnow or QuickPwn. This allows you to run applications on your iPhone that have not been approved by Apple. This is essential to unlocking your iPhone because the applications (e.g. Cydia) used in the blocking process are not Apple approved.
- Turn your phone on
- Go to the App store >> Purchase an app – MobileGate (made by Cydia)
- Download and install MobileGate >> Open the App
- It will ask you to divide your iPhone’s contact list into a White List and a Black List. (The White List is the list of calls you are willing to take. The Black List is the list of calls you want to block.) >> Create a separate White List and Black List for your incoming phone calls and also for your incoming text messages.
- Go to the Profile screen inside MobileGate >> Set the on/off toggle switches, which will allow you to block or accept your entire contact list, your Black List, your White List, all unknown calls and all private calls or calls where caller ID is blocked.
- Go to the “Settings” screen within the app >> Enable MobileGate by flipping the on/off toggle switch to On
- Decide whether you want to hang up on unwanted calls and text messages or simply to ignore them. Check the appropriate choice under the “Block Mode” section of the MobileGate Settings screen.
If you choose to ignore calls and text messages, the callers still can call (will hear your iPhone ring) or text you, but you will not be aware that they are calling or texting.