2014-01-31 02:57:09 UTC
i was enchanted by the ui-the home screen, the layout -it was pure eye candy
due to certain discomforts with the company itself-after the phone got spoilt ,i was looking forward towards a new phone
i could ask for alternatives if and when i said it should be below 30 grand, with good memory, good camera and stuff, but i guess i can research for that myself
so instead, can someone suggest some uis for me
i liked the lenovo vibe x, or nexus 5-stock ui
i am literally against samsung, i wont be buying sony anytime soon, and my friend had bad experiences with htc- so without the big boys in the game-still looking for alterantives
the ui is a priority, it should look good
something similiar to sonys custom ui or timescape should do
please dont tell me to install a custom rom instead, id prefer to use the stock based