Q. What is the pricing for Text Messaging?
A. All Cingular customers with Text Messaging-capable phones are pre-activated to send and receive messages at $0.10 per message with no monthly charge. Or, you can save money and sign up for aText Messaging package.
Q. What is a Messaging package?
A. It is an allotment of messages that are priced lower than the per-message charge. With a Messaging Package, you can send or receive text, picture, video and instant messages for the same price.
Q. How do I add a Messaging Package to my account?
A. There are a number of ways you can subscribe. To learn about each of the Messaging packages and sign up, go to Purchase. Existing customers can also log in to My Account and go to My Features. If Messaging is available for your account, it can be added here. New customers can add this feature as a part of ordering a phone online. You can also call Customer Care at 1-866-CINGULAR or dial 611 from your wireless phone.
Q. What is the pricing for Group Messaging?
A. Group Messaging is billed at the normal Text Messaging prices.
Q. What is the pricing for international text messaging?
A. It's just $0.20 to send an international message. Sent messages are not pulled from your bucket of messages. International text messages received will either pull from your message bucket or be charged a normal per-message charge.
Q. What is the pricing for using text messaging while roaming?
A. There are no additional charges for sending and receiving text messaging while roaming in the United States. If roaming internationally (where available), text messages sent are $0.50 each and do not pull from message buckets. Text messages received while roaming internationally are billed at normal rate.
Q. What messages am I billed for?
A. Cingular bills for all messages whether sent or received, read or unread, solicited or unsolicited. Also, any message sent or received that is longer than 160 characters will be delivered as multiple segments of up to 160 characters each. Each segment is billed as a separate message.