Hehe I see what you're trying to do... Anyway there is no possible way to get around hiding apps without jailbreaking the file system. There is however a possibility of disguising the app to look like another app to prevent them from being interested in checking it out.
Here is my tutorial:
1. Download "ifunbox" on your computer it's a tool used to explore the device's photos and raw file system. (Most of the features are limited without jailbreaking, but iOS 7 made it possible for them to explore downloaded applications)
Win- http://dl.i-funbox.com/ifunbox2014.zip
Mac- http://dl.i-funbox.com/mac/ifunboxmac.dmg
2. Google image a fake app icon and download it. Such as a calculator icon, mail icon, etc...
3. Plug your iDevice into your computer and run ifunbox. Click on your device and click "raw file system". And click the folder containing user applications and navigate to the one you want to disguise.
4. Explore the structure of the app until you can find where they have the thumbnail(s) of the app. Once you find it copy the file name of the image. Then delete the image.
5. Next click and drag the downloaded fake thumbnail from the internet into the SAME folder you just deleted the old one from. RENAME the image to the title of the old one.
6. MAKE SURE YOU DO THIS FOR ALL THE THUMBNAILS IN THE APP IF THERE IS MORE THAN ONE (you can use the same image just rename it to the one you replace.)
And that should be all. Just close ifunbox and unplug your device and you should be good to go. If it didn't do anything try rebooting. That's all I got for ya unless you end up jailbreaking (which there are many more possibilities)
I hope this helped you! Good luck
P.s. Sorry if it's more confusing than it should be