I have a old list here, some of the links might not work
1. AOL IM - http://wimd.aol.com/?service=tmobile
2. Kodak Mobile - http://mobile.ofoto.com/
3. Mopilot Mobile - http://mopilot.com/wml/
4. OlaPeople - http://www.olapeople.com
5. OnClick Mobile - http://www.onclick.com/main.wml
6. PocketThis - http://us.pocketthis.com/wml/top.asp
7. Search Europe Mobile - http://searcheurope.com/mobile/
8. UPOC - http://upoc.com/wap/
1. Bacon2Go.com - http://www.ilovebacon.com/bacon2go/
2. Black Jack - http://argoth.mine.nu/games/blackjack/lobby.php
3. Blockbuster - http://wap.blockbuster.co.uk/
4. Buzz Wireless Music - http://www.buzzwireless.com/
5. Click the City - http://wap.clickthecity.com/
6. Dream Symbols -
7. Esato.com - http://wap.esato.com/wap/
8. Flower Language -
9. Four Jokers - http://www.fourjokers.co.uk/wap/
10. FunCaster - http://www.FunCaster.com
11. GainesvilleBands.com - http://www.gainesvillebands.com
12. Handygo - http://www.handygo.com
13. HelloMoto - http://www.handango.com/HelloMoto/CountryChoice.jsp
14. iTouch - http://wap.itouch.com.au/
15. John Keats Poetry - http://www.john-keats.com/wap/index.wml
16. LeoFun Movies - http://www.leofun.com/m/index.asp
17. Lifestylers - http://wap2.picofun.com/ls/ac_p/mai...=1&portalid=123
18. LocalBand.net - http://www.localband.net/wml
19. Love Horoscope -
20. Madisc - http://www.wapdrive.com/madisc/
21. Moviefone - http://wap.moviefone.com/
22. Mysterynet - http://wap.mysterynet.com
23. Now Playing - http://wap.yes.net/
24. Personality Test -
25. Pick-up Lines -
26. Pocket Box Office - http://www.pktbo.com
27. Sony Ericsson - http://wap.sonyericsson.com/
28. Sony Style Club - http://wap.sonystyle-club.com/
29. T.G.I. Fridays - http://www.fridays.com
30. The Funniest - http://www.thefunniest.com
31. TV Guide - http://wireless.tvguide.com
32. UseEverything.com Mobile - http://wap.useeverything.com/
33. Virgin Radio Mobile - http://wap.virginradio.com/
34. WAP Night Guide - http://wapnightguide.com/
35. WapCards.com - http://www.wapcardz.com/a.php3
36. Wappy Buzzland - http://wappy.to/buzzland
37. Warner Music - http://wireless.wmg.com/
38. What's On When - http://www.whatsonwhen.com/wap
1. Ameritrade Mobile - http://www.amtdw.com
2. Bombay Stock Exchange Mobile - http://wap.bseindia.com/
3. BOOM - http://wap.boom.com/
4. Charles Schwab - http://pb.schwab.com
5. CSFB Australia - http://www.csfb.com.au/resdb/wap
6. E*Trade - http://etrade.everypath.net/evs.wml
7. E-Street Mobile - http://mmm.e-street.com
8. eSignal - http://unwired.dbc.com
9. Financial Times - http://wap.ft.com
10. Harris Direct Mobile - http://wireless.harrisdirect.com
11. Interactive Investor - http://mobile.iii.co.uk
12. London Stock Exchange - http://wap.priceinhand.com
13. OandA Currency Converter - http://www.oanda.com/converter/classic?user=nokiacc
14. TD Waterhouse - http://www.wtdw.com
15. Wall Street Journal - http://wap.wsj.com/
16. XE Currency Converter - http://www.xe.com/wap/index.wml
Find It:
1. Air France Cargo - http://www.traxon.com/wap/wapafr.wml
2. Canada 411 Mobile - http://sw-wml.sl.ca/cgi-bin/wml/canada411.cgi
3. Concord Coach - http://tagtag.com/sites/c/o/n/concordcoach/0.php3
4. DHL Worldwide Delivery http://www.dhl.com
5. Digital City - http://voicestreamsvc.digitalcity.com
6. Dining Guide - http://wapdiningguide.com/default.wml
7. EQ Wireless - http://www.glasspider.com/eqwireless/index.wml
8. FAST Search Mobile - http://mobile.alltheweb.com/
9. FedEx Mobile - http://mobile.fedex.com
10. FedEx Mobile Asia - http://wap-asia.fedex.com/
11. Google - http://www.google.com/wml
12. Government of Canada Wireless Portal - http://www.gc.ca/
13. iWindsurf Mobile - http://wap.iwindsurf.com/
14. Londoners.net - http://wap.londoners.net/
15. MapQuest - http://wireless.mapquest.com/vs/
16. Mobile Motion - http://wap.mobilemotion.com/wml/mm.wml
17. Mobile Zone - http://twilightwap.com/mobile/mobile.asp
18. MyBus Mobile - http://www.mybus.org/wml/
19. PDA Paddy - http://www.wapdrive.com/flamman/
20. TeeMaster.com - http://teemaster.com
21. TNT Express (Track your TNT packages.) - http://wap.tanger.cz/ewtnt_e.wml
22. UPS (Wireless package tracking from UPS.) - http://mobile.ups.com
23. USDiner.com - http://www.usdiners.com/wap/index.wml
24. Wireless Taxi USA OnPick - http://www.onpick.com/cgi-bin/taxi.cgi/
25. Zagat (Find restaurants and reviews in your area.) - http://mobile.zagat.com
1. Atomic Dove - http://tmobile.airg.ca
2. Eternal Hero - http://www.pktbo.com/index.cfm?carr...=vs78&cnl=40016
3. FoneFish - http://www.vshift.com/fishing
4. GridBloc - http://www.gridbloc.com
5. Little Screen - http://wap.littlescreen.co.uk
6. Love Game -
7. Quiz U Trivia - http://www.quizu.co.uk/wap.asp
8. Riddles (Great visual riddles that will rack your brain.) - http://mGo.To/Riddles
9. Stick Wits Game - http://www.obmdev.co.uk/open/matches
10. Wap Casino (Casino style games on your phone.) - http://casino.wap.at/
11. Who Am I? - http://www.pktbo.com/index.cfm?carr...=vs78&cnl=40039
12. Wirelessgames - http://www03.wirelessgames.com/voic...CIN=VOI01840DBS
News & Sports:
1. 7am Global News - http://wap.7am.com
2. ABC News - http://mobile.go.com/abcnews?carrier=tmobile
3. Ananova -
4. BBC UK - http://www.bbc.co.uk/mobile
5. Boston Globe Mobile - http://wap.boston.com
6. CBS MarketWatch Mobile - http://www.marketwatch.com/wml/wml1.1/default.asp
7. CBS SportsLine - http://wap.sportsline.com
8. CK Mobile - http://www.ckmobile.com/nascar/home.wml
9. Club Nokia - http://mobile.club.nokia.com/
10. CNET - http://wap.cnet.com
11. CNN News - http://MOBILE.CNN.COM/WAP1.1/NEWS/en/index.wml
12. College Rivals - http://wireless.rivals.com
13. Cricinfo - http://mobile.cricinfo.com/
14. Direct Mail Marketing News - http://www.mailcci.com/WAP
15. eGolfScore - http://egolfscore.com/wireless
16. EnjoyTheMusic.com - http://tagtag.com/sites/e/t/m/etm/0.php3
17. ESPN 2 Minute Drill - http://proxy.espn.go.com/wireless/g...a/wml/frontpage
18. ESPN News - http://wap.espn.go.com/
19. EuroSport.com - http://wap.eurosport.com
20. Football365 - http://wap.football365.com/
21. Globe and Mall - http://mobile.globeandmail.com/
22. GTWAP - http://www.gtwap.co.uk
23. Honda Tech - http://www.honda-tech.com/
24. IBM Wireless - http://wireless.ibm.com/
25. Katrillion - http://www.katrillion.com/mobile/wml/index.wml
26. Komo TV News - http://wap.komotv.com
27. MP3 Charts Mobile - http://www.mp3charts.com/wap/index.wml
28. MP3.com - http://wap.mp3.com
29. MySnowReport - http://mysnowreport.mobliss.com
30. NBA - http://wap.nba.com/
31. New York Times - http://wap.nytimes.com
32. New Zealand Herald - http://wap.nzherald.co.nz/
33. NFL Mobile - http://www.nfl.com
34. O2 - http://wap.o2.co.uk/
35. PGA European Tour Mobile - http://wap.europeantour.com
36. PGA Tour MobileLink - http://pgatour.air2web.com/pgatour/deck/index.jsp
37. Real Cities - http://mobile.realcities.com
38. Seattle Post Intelligencer - http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/wireless/
39. Sky.com - http://mobile.sky.com
40. Sign On San Diego - http://go.sosd.com
41. SportsFeed.com - http://www.sportsfeed.com/welcome.wml
42. Surfline - http://www.surfline.com/wml/surfline.cfm
43. US Weather Info - http://wap.weatheronline.co.uk/wap/...thamerica#www-2
44. USA Today - http://wap.usatoday.com
45. WAP WWF - http://sport.wapjag.com/wapwwf
46. World Soccer - http://wap.rete.it
47. ZDNet UK - http://www.zdnet.co.uk/wap/
1. AirCharge - http://www.aircharge.net
2. AOL Mobile - http://vstr.aol.com/
3. Canada.com Network - http://wireless.canada.com/
4. go2 Online Mobile - http://wap.go2online.com/wap/wmlother/
5. i200x - http://i2001.co.uk/
6. IRL WAP - http://user.domaindlx.com/imode/irlwap/i.wml
7. MOBwiZ - http://www.mobwize.com/mobw.wml
8. MSN Mobile - http://mobile.msn.com/
9. MSN Mobile UK - http://wap.msn.co.uk/
10. NW Portal - http://www.nwportal.com
11. Orange Packet (Orange Packet lets you send what you want to your mobile phone with just one click.) - http://www.orangepocket.com/wml/top.asp
12. Yahoo Worldwide - http://wap.yahoo.com/
1. 4WAP.com - http://wap4.com/wml/
2. AllRecipes.com Mobile - http://phone.allrecipes.com
3. Cupitt Aviation Mobile Weather - http://wap.cupitt.com/
4. Dictionary.com - http://www.dictionary.com/wml
5. Dr. Foot - http://www.drfoot.co.uk/wap/index.wml
6. DW Simpson Actuary Jobs Search - http://www.wirelessactuary.com/
7. From Language to Language - http://wap.langtolang.com
8. German/English Translations - http://wap.linguatec.de/
9. Guru Books - http://www.gurubooks.com/wap/menu.wml
10. Led Zeppelin Mobile - http://tagtag.com/sites/z/o/s/zoso/0.php3
11. Museum.com - http://wap.museum.com
12. myPNA - http://www.myPNA.com
13. NextBus - http://www.nextbus.com
14. Pocket Doctor Mobile - http://wap.pocketdoctor.co.uk/
15. Recipe Center - http://wap.recipecenter.com
16. Shakespeare - http://wap.tobeornottobe.com
17. Top Jobs - http://wap.topjobs.co.uk/
18. Wireless Classifieds - http://www.onPick.com/cgi-bin/class...sifiedsWML2.cgi
19. World English Bible - http://wap.mobible.org/0/menu.wml
1. amazon.com - http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/r.../home/home.html
2. Bookbrain UK Mobile - http://www.bookbrain.co.uk/bbwap/wmenu.asp
3. Country Book Shop - http://wap.countrybookshop.co.uk/
4. Edmunds2Go - http://wap.edmunds.com
5. FTD - http://www.ftdwireless.com
6. HomeSeekers Mobile - http://www.homeseekers.com/mobile/index.asp
7. mySimon Search - http://wap.mysimon.com
8. PayPal - http://www.paypal.com
9. Price Grabber - http://www.atpgw.com
10. SailBoats4Sale.com Mobile - http://www.sb4s.com
11. Volvo Mobile - http://demo.windcaster.com/volvo/
1. 10Best.com: - http://wap.10best.com/
2. Air Canada - http://mobile.aircanada.ca/
3. Airline Numbers - http://tagtag.com/patzig
4. Alaska Airlines - http://wireless.alaskaair.com
5. America West Airlines - http://www.awtimetable.com
6. American Airlines - http://www.aatimetable.com
7. Austrian Airlines - http://wap.aua.com/
8. Bay Area Guide - http://www.top321.com/wap/bayarea.wml
9. Bellagio Mobile - http://mobile.bellagio.com/
10. Best Western Hotel Mobile - http://www.bestwestern.com/
11. BPG Mobile - http://wap.budpocketguide.com/home.wml
12. British Airways - http://wap.britishairways.com/
13. CitiWiz - http://wap.citiwiz.com/
14. Continental Airlines - http://wap.continental.com
15. Curry Pages - http://wap.currypages.com
16. Delta Airlines - http://mobile.delta.com/
17. Dollar Rent A Car Mobile - http://mobile.dollar.com
18. Eurobeaches - http://www.eurobeaches.com/wap
19. Finnair - http://www.finnair.fi/wap/index.wml
20. Flight Lookup - http://www.flightlookup.com/
21. Fourth Ring - http://www.fourthring.com
22. Golden Nugget Mobile - http://mobile.goldennugget.com/
23. Hotelcatalogue - http://wap.hotelcatalogue.net
24. Hotelguide.com - http://wap.hotelguide.com/
25. Instant Relief - UK (Instant Relief offers a guide to public toilets in London Underground Stations.) - http://www.nykris.com/wap/
26. ISTRA - http://www.istra.com/wap/
27. Kanaka.com Mobile - http://kanaka.com/wap/index.wml
28. Last Minute Mobile - http://wap.lastminute.com/
29. Lufthansa Airline - http://wap.lufthansa.com
30. MGM Grand Mobile - http://mobile.mgmgrand.com/
31. Mirage Mobile - http://mobile.mirage.com/
32. Mobile Motion Taxi - http://wap.mobilemotion.com/wml/taxi.wml
33. New York New York Mobile - http://mobile.nynyhotelcasino.com/
34. Northwest Airlines - http://wireless.nwa.com
35. Sabre Travel - http://www.sabremobile.com/vt.wml
36. Scandinavian Airlines - http://wap.scandinavian.net/menu/default.asp
37. Singapore Airlines - http://www.singaporeair.com/MobileS...apps/Dispatcher
38. Star Alliance Mobile - http://wap.staralliance.com/
39. Sunshine Tour - http://www.dpnsoftware.net/saf/wap/
40. Tourisline Mobile - http://wap.tourisline.de/cgi-bin/in...lang=en&portal=
41. Travel - OAG Mobile - http://www.oag.com/OAGMobile/wap/UP/WapUPMainMenu.asp
42. Travel Translator - http://wap.efacec.pt/dic
43. Treasure Island Mobile - http://mobile.treasureisland.com/
44. Trip.com - http://wireless.galileo.com/tripinfo_wml
45. UK Compass Travel Info - http://ukcompass.com/
46. United Airlines - http://ua2go.com
47. WAP Metro- http://wapmetros.com