So yesterday I got home after a pretty drunken night, and broke my phone unintentionally. This is the third Droid I've gone through. I hate them, and I have the worst luck when it comes to the screens cracking. Anyways, I tried going into my gallery to see the pictures that I had taken that night. My phone tells me that the SD card is not mounted and I have no pictures. My SD card is clearly in my phone. They're kind of hard to take out of the phone, so I just leave it in there. I looked up any ideas as to how to fix this issue, and obviously none of them worked. I took out the SD card, and came to find that it was a lil cracked. I was thinking of trying to put my "missing pictures" on my laptop, but every time I put the cable from my external hard drive into the laptop and into my phone, it won't prompt anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I just don't understand how my pictures have gone missing.