My Motorola V3 razr is so last year, what is the next big cell phone?
2006-06-14 03:17:13 UTC
My Motorola V3 razr is so last year, what is the next big cell phone?
Seventeen answers:
2006-06-14 23:02:17 UTC
its the size of a belly button and they actually implant it in your ear so you'll never miss another call again. it's ring can be heard from 2.5 miles away and its made entirely out of pig's skin. its called "stupidity", made by Latest Trends for unoriginal people
Cincinnati Food and Wine Guy
2006-06-14 03:22:21 UTC
I got a RAZR V3 last year. Love it, but I agree. Though I'll be keeping mine I think that the PEBL is the next "it" phone. My tech-and trend-conscious brother in Chicago bought one earlier this year, and I think it's bound for fashion statement status.
The key to this phone's "coolness" lies in its organic shape, and the gadgetey "slide with your thumb/ pops open by itself" hinge.
2006-06-14 03:46:46 UTC
well if ure a motorolla fan u hv the upgraded version of motorazor v3i with itunes n memory card option . else u hv the pebble. personally i prefer the nokia. if ure a mp3 freak get yr hands on N91 4gb capacity N80 if u want a 3megapixel camera 9300i is a buisness phone but supports wirelesslan and N70 is u want a good basic phone which is cheaper compared to its counter part n good to use
disclosure: just bought an N70 week back and loving it
2006-06-14 03:29:13 UTC
The DualCor is supposed to come out soon. It has a low-power proccessor to run WindowsCE when on batteries and a faster proccessor that uses a bigger OS when you plug it in. It works like a cell phone plus gets wifi, has USB ports and takes a flash card.
Or you could get a side-kick...
Either way, the next big thing in cell phones is more connectivity,
more features, more memory, thier own processor and more powerful OS.
Logan A
2006-06-14 12:31:58 UTC
PEBLs are going to be hot this summer. It's going to be the new celeb accessory. Also there are some phones with BlackBerry technology rolling out soon. I believe samsung has one due out in a couple months that is nicknamed Hercules.
2006-06-14 03:22:27 UTC
yes Q is a nice mobile to have ... but it is not available in all parts of the world. i can also suggest you v3i which is the next addition to v3. Also new is the PEBL, ROKR
2006-06-14 20:36:26 UTC
The Motorola Q seems to be creating lots of buzz. I found the best deal from this site:
2006-06-14 07:19:53 UTC
I think the new motorola pebl is definitely the way to go!