i need an iphone/appstore expert as im no good with modern technology! my friend last week told me she found my husband on tinder!?
2015-10-30 02:11:59 UTC
his picture, with our son cropped out, his real name and age. when i confronted him he said his account must have been hacked. in his defence, he does always leave his phone lying around, never takes it out the room with him, lets me use it for the internet, and ive never seen the tinder app on his phone. but hes lied about loads of stupid things before, last year i got back from a night out and found loads of pictures of him on his phone, posing in just his boxers in the mirror, with a peice of paper saying a fake name and a number. so it looked like an account name for a dating website. he fed me some bullshit about he was bored and its his "porn name" which is very very immature and i didnt believe it for a second but we were due to get married in a few months and we had 2 young kids and splitting up with him over that just seemed stupid. i chose to believe him over this tinder app and that it wasnt him. (hes either at work, gym or home, never goes out) so when would he have time to meet anyone? but i still thought something was fishy so my friend told me to check his appstore purchased history. and there it was, the tinder app. along with loads of other dating apps (discreet affairs) etc... a few things ive downloaded, his sky betting and sports apps and a few things hes downloaded for the kids.
i still havnt said anything to him as i want to know, is there anything that can pop up on your purchased button on appstore, that you havnt actually downloaded?
Eleven answers:
Mike A
2015-10-30 02:46:49 UTC
Your husband is lying to you, plain and simple. Just because he doesn't have the tinder app on his phone does not mean he doesn't have an account. In fact, it would be quite easy for him to just download the app, log into his account, do his correspondence, then delete the app again. It also sounds like he's been doing quite a bit of trying out other apps as well. He is either doing his damndest to try and cheat, or he's actually doing it.

So, what to do? I would skip the confrontation. If he's been lying to you for this long, you'll never get the truth. I would just consult with a lawyer on this. Bring all the evidence, including the purchase history and everything. Get everything quietly arranged, and just drop it on him one day. He doesn't deserve a chance to defend himself, as he clearly doesn't respect you enough to just let you go and break things off. Trust me, he's already got a whole web of lies and cover stories ready.

So, what can you expect from him? He's going to try and mindfuck you. He's going to try and convince you that you're crazy, and that none of what you found is actually real. But no, things do not show up on your apple store purchases unless you download them. And no, him leaving his phone laying around would not make it susceptible to being hacked. He's playing you for a fool. And anyway, if his phone was hacked, or his iTunes account was, there would be a lot more mayhem going on. Lots of app downloads, money missing, information stolen, the whole bit. The odds that someone is going to hack a phone, create a dating site profile, go and crop photos, log into this account, and use it on a regular basis; that's pretty nil, and oddly specific. No, hackers don't do that kind of thing.

Your husband is a cheater. And it only takes 15 minutes to cheat. He could be meeting women at the gym, if he even goes to the gym. Heck, maybe you should have a friend he doesn't know create a tinder account, put the flirt on, and set up a meeting. When he agrees, surprise him with said divorce papers then. Sue for custody, and just take his money for child support.

And that's the best advice I can give.
2015-10-30 03:00:16 UTC
He's lying. If he were hacked nobody would set up a tinder account in his name. If he got hacked they would be going after his bank accounts, PayPal, etc

No hacker sets up,fake dating profiles

He's lying to you with a BS excuse because he got caught

Tinder is a hookup site. The only reason people use tinder is to find people to have sex with. A hacker would gain nothing from this.

And the fact you've found other sites means he's lying. How sure are you he's actually at the gym? That's a normal excuse men give when cheating, so you aren't suspicious if he comes back sweaty or freshly showered
2016-07-14 19:20:43 UTC
Without playing games, don’t be available 100% of the time or let your life be an open book. A man that comes on too strong or doesn’t have outside interests will scare a woman away just as much as it would if the circumstances were reversed. Read here

Women don’t want to feel as though they are completely responsible for your happiness and that is what it feels like when the other person has no outside interests. Men who are overeager or jump when the woman says jump are the ones who are more likely to end up in the friend zone. This doesn’t mean that you should play the game of not calling for a few days; it means that you should set healthy boundaries until you both naturally find a spot for the other in your lives.
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2015-10-30 09:07:02 UTC
Yeah thats the main goal of hackers. Get into someone's phone, find one of their pictures, crop out their kid, and get it on tinder. Thats a hackers dream, its all about tinder.
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2015-10-30 02:19:08 UTC
with my setup every-time I download a new app I have to key in my apple ID password whether its a free app or not

as far as I know that cant be gotten around

try downloading an app on his phone - that will give you a starting point


just having a play on my laptop that I use with my phone

when I go into itunes - clicking on the apps icon A I can choose from my devices that I have installed apps on - by choosing iphone I can see all the apps I have previously downloaded
2017-03-02 14:12:33 UTC
2017-02-15 17:34:29 UTC
robert x
2015-10-30 05:32:48 UTC
You only get billed for what you buy.. if its on his phone then he has brought it..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.