When I call all I get is " The person you are calling cannot accept calls at this time. We are sorry for any inconvenience this has caused." I've called a bunch of times only to get that same pesky message. I live in California and this person is from Colorado... They came to visit me for the holiday weekend and I have not heard from them. I really want to know if they arrived home ok but I'm stuck in a rut of cluelessness. Also, his friend who also came with him, has a cell phone from tmobile as well & has the same message. And I'm not sure if this would be of any help but it began with both of their phones shortly after they arrived here to Ca.. It's been that way since. I thought maybe it would be an out of town/roaming type of thing, but they had to have arrived by about 6am today So does anyone know what the message means or what it might mean? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!