What phone is better? It depends on what you want and look for in a phone. If you want a phone that obviously makes phone calls, you do a little text messaging, a little but of Web browsing, no watching videos on Netflix or YouTube, want a decent camera, and a simple phone. Then get the IPhone 5.
If you want a phone that obviously makes phone calls, do a lot of text messaging, a lot of Web browsing, watch movies on Netflix and YouTube, Facebook, has a good camera, play games, big screen, and is customizable. Then get the Galaxy S3 or the Galaxy Note 2.
The Galaxy S3 US version has a 1.4 GHz Dual Core processor, 2G of RAM, 4.8 inch 1280x720 16:9 aspect ratio screen, 2100mAh battery, 64G expandable micro SD slot on top of a 16G-32G internal memory, Great camera (has 20 picture burst and can take pictures as fast as your finger can hit the button also takes video and pictures at the same time), picture in picture (you can watch your movie at the same time your text messaging), Sbeam, share pictures through wifi, 4G LTE, Facebook, YouTube, google search, google maps,supports JAVA, swipe technology (means you can text words without having to take your finger off the screen for each letter. You might have to google it for better description), and more.
Me personally I like big screen phones and will be getting the 5.5 inch Galaxy Note 2 with a 1.6 GHz Quad Core processor, 2G of RAM, 16G-32G-64G internal memory, up to 64G external micro SD slot, removable 3100 mA battery, 4G LTE, SPen, supports JAVA, has google talk now, YouTube, Facebook, google search engine, google maps, customizable screen, great camera (with 20 picture burst and as fast as you hit the button it takes the picture just as fast and also takes video and pictures at the same time), picture in picture (means you can continue to watch your movie while you text message), Sbeam for sharing pictures instantly, you can share pictures to people that are on the same wifi you are on, put things on any smart TV with wifi connection from your phone, swipe technology, screen shot movie to make corrections to grafts or emails and send it back to the person also has sound, you can write on the back of your digital pictures, actually sign your email, organize your pictures in to folders, and more stuff. That's why I'm getting the Galaxy Note 2 oh and it fits just fine in my pocket. The screen also moves the keyboard over to the left or right off the phone so you can easily do one handed text messaging. I would say go to YouTube and look it up. They have so much more stuff then what the IPhone 5 has it would be a long list.
I was very disappointed in the new IPhone 5. If you have an IPhone 4 or 4s you should just stay with it. Siri isn't really worth getting if your coming from the IPhone 4. The IPhone 5 has minimum upgrades from the 4S. They should have called it IPhone 4SL (L stands for long). The new new an upgrade features for the iPhone 5 from the 4s are IOS 6 (the 4 and 4s will be getting too), A6 chip (which is slower then the new Android phone the Galaxy Note 2 and all other Quad Core processors coming out), updated Seri, 4G LTE, 4 inch screen, 3D mapping (Android has had for years), turn by turn navigation (Android also had for years), little upgrade for the camera like panoramic picture (another thing Android had for years), a little bit bigger battery (3.7v instead of 3.6v and 1445 mA instead of 1435 mA), 3 microphones instead of 2, a smaller power charger (which makes all your other charger and docking ports irrelevant), No google search engine, No YouTube, and No Google Maps. Apple is going to charge around 30 dollars for each adapter you buy. Google dropped their stuff from Apple. Like I said minor upgrade.
I feel that Apple is behind on the technology side. They have been on cruise control. Why spend a lot of money on innovation and technology, when you can spend a little bit of money for minor upgrades and people will still buy your phones. Until Apple takes a major hit in their phone sales don't expect any major innovation or technology. The new stuff they came out on the IPhone 5, Android has had for a few years now. Apple is also very restrictive on what you can put on their phone and what you can do with their phone. Android is open to what you can do to their phones.
The Galaxy Note 2 will not be out till around October 21st if you are now interested in that phone. But again it's all about what you are looking at in a phone. If you like the big screens get the Galaxy S3 and or the Galaxy Note 2.
What you see at the bottom of the S3 and Note 2 is a micro USB connector. If you have a smart TV with wifi you can hook them up wirelessly. But if you don't you can go on Ebay and look up micro USB to HDMI NHL Adapter. That will be so you can use your HDMI cable to hook your phone to your TV. The part is around 13 dollars. I use it on my Galaxy S2.